Saturday, June 13, 2009

Why Wedding Vows?

Vow: a solemn promise or assertion ; specifically : one by which a person is bound to an act, service, or condition

Why do we make vows before God, family and friends to work through the bad times, to stick it out or hang in there until the problem can be resolved. Instead of the martial formalities why don't we just say what we really mean,

I marry you today but when the time comes that I don't want to be married anymore because I want to do all the things I have not be able to do, I'm not able to love you like you want to be loved, or I choose to share my life with someone else; then I will selfishly leave you. I hope when this time comes you are prepared for all the changes. So while I am furthering my career and education you should be doing the same because I will most likely make this decision later in your life and it will probably be much harder for you to start over. I decline to vow; for better or worse, richer or poorer and in sickness and health because if any of these fail you will not be worth the effort. I might be making this vow today but at anytime I decide its not what I want, I void all promises I am making to You, To God and to our family because my needs and wants are what is important.

When someone proposes to you, if they would forgo the empty words and be completely honest, you could make an informed decision from the start if this is the person you chose to marry and start a family with. You would know what you were dealing with and what to expect. You would be prepared when the time comes to move forward and you would be prepared to tell your children why their foundation is being split in half.

The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 1 Corinthians 7:3

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